En mi casa, comida de confort es la sopa. Cada vez que le pregunto a los niños que quieren que les cocine, ellos quieren sopa. Aqui esta una versión super fácil y muy saludable, pueden acomodar para hacerla vegetariana.
*Cebolla y ajo
*Carne (pueden usar la que deseen)
*Vegetales (apio, zanahoria, alverjas, maíz, habas, etc)
*Cereales (puedes usar quinoa, cebada, etc)
*Hierbas (oregano, cilantro, culantro)
*Especias y sal ( yo uso comino, pero puedes usar el que le guste a tu familia, o consome para sopa)
At my home, soup is comfort food. Every time that I asked my children what they want me to cook for them, they want soup. Here is a very easy and healthy soup, you can make it without meat.
*Onions and garlic (you can use any type of onion you have)
*Meat (any meat you have)
*Vegetables (celery, carrots, peas, corn, etc)
*Potatoes (just a few)
*Cereals (quinoa, barley, etc.)
*Herbs (oregano, culantro)
*Spices (I like to use cumin but you can use any spice that your family likes, or soup stock.
At my home, soup is comfort food. Every time that I asked my children what they want me to cook for them, they want soup. Here is a very easy and healthy soup, you can make it without meat.
*Onions and garlic (you can use any type of onion you have)
*Meat (any meat you have)
*Vegetables (celery, carrots, peas, corn, etc)
*Potatoes (just a few)
*Cereals (quinoa, barley, etc.)
*Herbs (oregano, culantro)
*Spices (I like to use cumin but you can use any spice that your family likes, or soup stock.
1. Cut the onions and garlic and lightly fry with olive oil in the pot you are going to make your soup.
2. Cut the meat into little pieces. Season with salt and pepper.
3. Add water and herbs. The amount of water depends on how much soup you want to end up with.
4. Cut the carrots, celery, potatoes in little pieces. Add to the pot.
5. Add the rest of the cereals you want to add and the spices with salt to taste. Cover and cook.
6. When the vegetables and meat are completely cooked, add 4 tablespoons of oatmeal. If you would like it thicker add more, if you would like it thinner then add less.
7. Serve and add cilantro or parsley on top!!!
1.Corta la cebolla y ajo en pedazos pequeños y sofreir con un poquito de aceite de oliva en la olla donde vas a hacer la sopa.
2.Corta la carne en trozitos pequeños y salpimentar. Añadir a la cebolla y dorar.
3.Añadir agua y hierbas naturales. Cuanta agua debes añadir depende de cuanta sopa quieres hacer y cuanta carne y vegetales tienes.
4.Corta las zanahorias, el apio, las papas en pedazos pequeños. Añadir.
5.Añadir el resto de los cereales y tu sazón con la sal al gusto. Tapar y dejar cocinar.
6.Cuando los vegetales y la carne esten cocinados, agregar 4 cucharadas de avena. Si te gusta un poco mas espesa, puedes agregar mas o si te gusta mas aguada menos.
7. Servir! Puedes aderezar con cilantro o perejil fresco!!!