Solar eclipse 2017 | Eclipse solar 2017

So we are super excited about this eclipse!!The energy that is going on around us is really strong, the sun is really hot in the North Hemisphere, and is such an interesting phenomena that give us the opportunity to learn and teach about the rotation of the earth and moon, the universe and our cycles as passengers of this planet!! But most of all for us as a family is an opportunity to create memories!! I remember the first eclipse I watched it was July 11 of 1991 in Bogota, Colombia!! I remember my whole family went to the second floor of our house and watched with several handmade contractions, including a Xray slide we had!! So, we are gearing up this time, with appropriate lenses that were given for free at our local library, and we will drive 11 hours to see the total eclipse event as a family!!!! Yes, is just in the name of love. So, what are you planning to do for the eclipse? Here are some cool sites that we found just in case you want to jump in the eclipse wagon, even an European Mama who saw one in Hungary last time and decided to create a recipe! Click on the images!!
Estamos super entusiasmados por este eclipse solar!! La energía que trae es realmente intensa, el sol esta realmente caliente en el hemisferio Norte, y este fenómeno tan interesante nos da la oportunidad de aprender y enseñar acerca de la rotación de la tierra y la luna, el universo y los ciclos como pasajeros de este planeta!! Pero por sobre todo, para nosotros esta es una oportunidad de crear memorias como familia!! Yo recuerdo el primer eclipse que vi fué el Julio 11 de 1991 en Bogotá, Colombia!Recuerdo que toda mi familia subió al segundo piso de la casa y lo miramos con muchas creaciones hechas en casa, dizque para verlo, incluyendo una radiografía!! Asi que en esta ocasión ya tenemos los lentes apropiados, que nuestra biblioteca local nos proveyo de gratis, y manejaremos 11 para ver el eclipse total. Si, todo en nombre del amor. Y ustedes, como estan planeando ver el eclipse?? Aquí algunos sitios útiles para que salten al vagón del eclipse, y hasta una Mama Europea que vio el último en Hungría y decidió hacer una receta! Haz click en las imagénes!

Pura Vida mom made these fun and easy cookies!!

How to safely watch the eclipse with little ones!!

Great activities and Lessons for middle school

Lovely materials from Mundo de Pepita en Español

Great round up of activities for the solar eclipse

Activities for Little ones for the solar eclipse!

Paquete en Español para bajar sobre los eclipses

You can know about every eclipse in history at every place on Earth!!

Recursos para el eclipse en Español

Resources, Printables, videos and more

Explanations about Astronomy, and the eclipse

Her eclipse experience and recipe for Hungarian Goulash, inspired by the eclipse

Horoscopes for every sign for the eclipse season!